Thursday, September 18, 2008

little things.

Alicia and Mary just asked me want I wanted from Taco Bell. They're going on a run. I think a lot of people would say that this really shouldn't make me this happy. But seriously, I'm trying to find joy in the little things in life. And is this one of them? Heck yes! :-D Do I love my girls? Yes. But not because they're bringing me cheesy crunchy spicy melty goodness.

So the little things. I feel like I lost some things this year. Some crutches, maybe. I feel like I've been stripped and left naked, naked so the doctor and myself can finally see what's wrong with me, and heal me. Put me on a medication, diet and physical therapy program.

I think it's a gift I've been given, this ability to find joy in the little things. A sunny day, a cool breeze, perfect Washington weather in Maryland. Finally figuring out how to play that stupid 3/2 part in that piece in band. Someone holding a door, a smile, good food in Patriot, a conversation about nothing important with one of my residents during a fire drill. Figuring out how my texting works on my Brick. kudos from my peers and boss. Katherine being patient with me and not calling my slacking out. Reading and translating a phrase correctly in ancient greek. There's a bunch.

I don't have much direction right now. I feel like I'm down to my foundations, and will be built back up. I hate being so stripped. It's bewildering. I don't know what to do.

The only thing I can do is trust in Him, that He'll show me how to get built back up. even do it for me. Show me how to let Him.

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