Saturday, November 22, 2008

MI goes to Philly!

MI field trips rock!

I went to Philly and...

*Ate a legit Geno's cheesesteak, while freezing my butt off in line to get it. I also had to run across the street to the atm because they only took cash. It was freaking awesome. I also shared a cheese fries and a hot chocolate with Siobhan, and probably her cold as well. :-)

*Went to Confession! Whoo! Be super proud of me, yo. I'm holy now....not. :-)

*Visited a bunch of really cool shrines, and saw the dead body of a Saint. St. John Neumann.

*Heard a bunch of really cool talks by the sems. Good job guys! Even though y'all don't read this, they were good. :) Key points...ummm: Loneliness, abandonment to God, "Thank you Jesus for loving me this way.", Mary is cool.

*Car rides with Sems are fun. Siobhan is a good back massager. :-)

Now I'm really tired. But it was awesome.

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