Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Well. Here we are.

I picked up an application to Kohl's for the summer. I might stop by the old people place that just opened up. It's a great confidence boost, this job hunting and making myself seem so utterly amazing. But I don't really enjoy it.

I have to write an essay in the style of Montaigne. Fun stuff. 3-4 pages. Shouldn't be too hard. My problem is that I just have to pick a topic. I also have reading for Kalas to do.

Oh look, the sun is coming out. A little.

Wait, there it is. And it's almost sixty out. Wow, great weather. Really good weather.

Damn I love Washington. But I know I can't stay. That's ok, I'll just visit from time to time.

The breeze is divine. I wish I could bottle it.

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