Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Hi everyone!
Hmm, yes. It's good to be happy. I'm glad to be home, I'm glad I get to see people. And New Years ala Steinke will be fun. But I'll also be happy to be back at the Mount. I'm excited for next term, for a number of reasons. Lots of changes, and it should definitely be better than last term.
I don't have anything super profound to say to you guys tonight. I just felt like writing a bit.
It's hard to absorb so much change. I'm the kind of person that, when given the choice, would rather suck the marrow out of things before moving on to the next buffalo wing, instead of sampling a million different kinds and leaving some scraps in the basket. With all the changes, I feel like I'm going to miss out on something. I don't have time to give it all the care it all deserves. But so far I'm liking most of the changes. Part of it might be a resignation towards a peaceful positive feeling towards it, because I can't stop it from happening. Plus I really do like them. Like my seafoam green velvety comforter! It's soft and squishy and warm, which is especially nice because now I not only live in an upstairs corner of my house, but above an outside deck, not my living room. So it gets cooler in here. But for once in my life I've got enough blankets to keep me warm in the winter. It's the littler things, really that make me most happy. Smaller sized gestures that mean a lot.
I'm going to sleep now. Dreams are nice.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
I'm so bored. It's break, and I'm enjoynig break, especially the time spent with my family. I missed them a lot, and I haven't seen them for four months.
But now I'm bored, and don't have too much motivation to read or anything. And there's nothing fun on the internet. Just like there's nothing on tv.
I'm going to the DMV tomorrow to get a new license, because I left my old one on the plane. oops. So I'm getting up in the morning, picking up David to come with, going over there, then going to portland with people. Should be fun.
All right, I feel like there's a lot of weird tension between us. Am I imagining it, or is it something we just have to work through, or is it because we just need to yell at each other a little then move on.
Pardon the random private conversation interjection.
I've got a sore throat. I should go get something to drink. Maybe grab a book and read. I've been staring at a screen too long, and I'm going a little crazy. On a few different levels.
Ugh, this is dumb. I need to stop wanting to hit the fast forward button.
Monday, December 22, 2008
I stole this from the internet
50 tips for first year college students
As you begin your college experience, and I prepare for my 10-year college reunion, I thought I'd leave you with the things that, in retrospect, I think are important as you navigate the next four years. I hope that some of them are helpful.
Here goes...
1. Your friends will change a lot over the next four years. Let them.
2. Call someone you love back home a few times a week, even if just for a few minutes.
3. In college more than ever before, songs will attach themselves to memories. Every month or two, make a mix cd, mp3 folder, whatever - just make sure you keep copies of these songs. Ten years out, they'll be as effective as a journal in taking you back to your favorite moments.
4. Take naps in the middle of the afternoon with reckless abandon.
5. Adjust your schedule around when you are most productive and creative. If you're nocturnal and do your best work late at night, embrace that. It may be the only time in your life when you can.
6. If you write your best papers the night before they are due, don't let people tell you that you "should be more organized" or that you "should plan better." Different things work for different people. Personally, I worked best under pressure - so I always procrastinated... and always kicked ass (which annoyed my friends to no end). ;-) Use the freedom that comes with not having grades first semester to experiment and see what works best for you.
7. At least a few times in your college career, do something fun and irresponsible when you should be studying. The night before my freshman year psych final, my roommate somehow scored front row seats to the Indigo Girls at a venue 2 hours away. I didn't do so well on the final, but I haven't thought about psych since 1993. I've thought about the experience of going to that show (with the guy who is now my son's godfather) at least once a month ever since.
8. Become friends with your favorite professors. Recognize that they can learn from you too - in fact, that's part of the reason they chose to be professors.
9. Carve out an hour every single day to be alone. (Sleeping doesn't count.)
10. Go on dates. Don't feel like every date has to turn into a relationship.
11. Don't date someone your roommate has been in a relationship with.
12. When your friends' parents visit, include them. You'll get free food, etc., and you'll help them to feel like they're cool, hangin' with the hip college kids.
13. In the first month of college, send a hand-written letter to someone who made college possible for you and describe your adventures thus far. It will mean a lot to him/her now, and it will mean a lot to you in ten years when he/she shows it to you.
14. Embrace the differences between you and your classmates. Always be asking yourself, "what can I learn from this person?" More of your education will come from this than from any classroom.
15. All-nighters are entirely overrated.
16. For those of you who have come to college in a long-distance relationship with someone from high school: despite what many will tell you, it can work. The key is to not let your relationship interfere with your college experience. If you don't want to date anyone else, that's totally fine! What's not fine, however, is missing out on a lot of defining experiences because you're on the phone with your boyfriend/girlfriend for three hours every day.
17. Working things out between friends is best done in person, not over email. (IM does not count as "in person.") Often someone's facial expressions will tell you more than his/her words.
18. Take risks.
19. Don't be afraid of (or excited by) the co-ed bathrooms. The thrill is over in about 2 seconds.
20. Wednesday is the middle of the week; therefore on wednesday night the week is more than half over. You should celebrate accordingly. (It makes thursday and friday a lot more fun.)
21. Welcome failure into your lives. It's how we grow. What matters is not that you failed, but that you recovered.
22. Take some classes that have nothing to do with your major(s), purely for the fun of it.
23. It's important to think about the future, but it's more important to be present in the now. You won't get the most out of college if you think of it as a stepping stone.
24. When you're living on a college campus with 400 things going on every second of every day, watching TV is pretty much a waste of your time and a waste of your parents' money. If you're going to watch, watch with friends so at least you can call it a "valuable social experience."
25. Don't be afraid to fall in love. When it happens, don't take it for granted. Celebrate it, but don't let it define your college experience.
26. Much of the time you once had for pleasure reading is going to disappear. Keep a list of the books you would have read had you had the time, so that you can start reading them when you graduate.
27. Things that seem like the end of the world really do become funny with a little time and distance. Knowing this, forget the embarassment and skip to the good part.
28. Every once in awhile, there will come an especially powerful moment when you can actually feel that an experience has changed who you are. Embrace these, even if they are painful.
29. No matter what your political or religious beliefs, be open-minded. You're going to be challenged over the next four years in ways you can't imagine, across all fronts. You can't learn if you're closed off.
30. If you need to get a job, find something that you actually enjoy. Just because it's work doesn't mean it has to suck.
31. Don't always lead. It's good to follow sometimes.
32. Take a lot of pictures. One of my major regrets in life is that I didn't take more pictures in college. My excuse was the cost of film and processing. Digital cameras are cheap and you have plenty of hard drive space, so you have no excuse.
33. Your health and safety are more important than anything.
34. Ask for help. Often.
35. Half of you will be in the bottom half of your class at any given moment. Way more than half of you will be in the bottom half of your class at some point in the next four years. Get used to it.
36. In ten years very few of you will look as good as you do right now, so secretly revel in how hot you are before it's too late.
37. In the long run, where you go to college doesn't matter as much as what you do with the opportunities you're given there. The MIT name on your resume won't mean much if that's the only thing on your resume. As a student here, you will have access to a variety of unique opportunities that no one else will ever have - don't waste them.
38. On the flip side, don't try to do everything. Balance = well-being.
39. Make perspective a priority. If you're too close to something to have good perspective, rely on your friends to help you.
40. Eat badly sometimes. It's the last time in your life when you can do this without feeling guilty about it.
41. Make a complete ass of yourself at least once, preferably more. It builds character.
42. Wash your sheets more than once a year. Trust me on this one.
43. If you are in a relationship and none of your friends want to hang out with you and your significant other, pay attention. They usually know better than you do.
44. Don't be afraid of the weird pizza topping combinations that your new friend
45. Explore the campus thoroughly. Don't get caught.
46. Life is too short to stick with a course of study that you're no longer excited about. Switch, even if it complicates things.
47. Tattoos are permanent. Be very certain.
48. Don't make fun of prefrosh. That was you like 2 hours ago.
49. Enjoy every second of the next four years. It is impossible to describe how quickly they pass.
50. This is the only time in your lives when your only real responsibility is to learn. Try to remember how lucky you are every day.
Be yourself. Create. Inspire, and be inspired. Grow. Laugh. Learn. Love.
My Epic Trip Home, Volume 2
Hello everyone! Remember when I got laid over in Las Vegas last year and had to spend the night? This is slightly more epic. I think I’m giving Jason and Odysseus a run for their money. :-)
So this started out Saturday morning. I finished packing and whatnot, and Doug was kind enough to give me a ride to BWI. :-) Earlier I checked my email and found out that my connection to Portland got cancelled because Portland has no idea how to deal with icy snow. But, I end up figuring that I’ll get to Denver and then go from there; it’d probably be easier to find an alternative, and if anything I’d at least be halfway. Check in and security were pretty much standard procedure, aka boring as all heck. There was a nice French Horn choir, though, playing nice Christmas music. :) Now the fun part happens.
My flight was good, I had a window seat, and half of what little legroom I had was taken up by my backpack (aka, the rather large “personal item” supplementing my “carry on bag”. Stretching the TSA’s rules is an art I practice. But don’t worry, they get me back later.) But aside from being cramped, it was something I could deal with. Plus I’m not a fan of checking luggage. EVER. It’s a huge hassle.
There was a kid next to me in the middle seat, and an older woman on the aisle. The kid was 14, an air force brat, wanted to be a marine biologist, had full blown ADHD (that was no surprise, in a sweetly endearing sort of way), and had a slightly off-color sense of humor common to high school freshmen. He also had a taste for violent movies that was slightly disturbing, and a delightfully slightly dark sense of humor. At first I tried to take a nap, which mostly resulted in me half snoozing and half philosophizing about my life. It’s amazing what clarity the solitude amongst the holiday masses can bring. But that’s neither here nor there, and some of my conclusions will be a separate Note. *ahem* So after I took a two hour nap (successfully missing all the drink and food service, but awakening when I mistakenly thought the seatbelt sign was supposed to be for landing. Blasted turbulence), Andrew talked my ear off for the rest of the flight. Normally I just try to sleep through things, but I didn’t even have to try all too hard to be interested in what he was saying. Cute kid. Hopefully he has a good Christmas with his mom and brother in Denver.
When we land I let everyone else off the plane first, because I didn’t have to make a connection that was going to leave without me in ten minutes like most other people. I get off, and go find the United Airlines Customer Services. After a bit of walking, I find it. Yay! But with it, I see a line. So I start walking. And walking. And walking. But don’t worry, I found the end of it! I just had to pass about a hundred people to get there. So thus ensued how I spent my Saturday night.
Now, everyone knows those jokes about how horrible the DMV lines are. Granted, it’s boring as all heck, and people are cranky and really just don’t want to be there. Some people imagine that that’s what hell is like – a never ending DMV line. But now, dear reader, imagine that boredom and agitation and frustration and length, and multiply by ten. You’re now imagining my Saturday Night Line Experience. This was like a line for a Disney Land Ride without a Fast Pass, except there wasn’t an awesomely overrated ride at the end, but the slight chance of getting half of what you need to go to wherever you need to go. I spent a good two hours, probably two and a half, in that line. At the end of it, I was granted a pink hotel discount slip and a standby ticket for a flight to PDX (Portland, for you n00bs out there), which, although infinitely better than nothing (for the concept of nothing is an infinite non-existence in itself, therefore…ok, I’ll stop), was a far cry from anything truly helpful.
The best part of the line, or at least most interesting, was the people (you had to have seen this coming).
There was Chinese Exchange Girl, who was directly in front of me. She was visiting some friends in Seattle, and this was her first Christmas in America. She was quite nice, and seemed to be about my age. She spent a lot of time talking on her cell in what I assume was Mandarin, and I got to watch her stuff while she went to the bathroom. I saw her again this morning, in Line of Death, The Sequel.
There was Pile of Kids. They were fun to look at, like one of those side attractions Disney has to keep people happy while they wait forever in line. There was one mom sitting in the middle of a pile of five kids, ranging in ages from a few months to about seven years old or so. They were using each other as pillows, and one of the younger boys was running around between in mom and dad, acting as a four year old go between. Definitely the Aww of the Day.
Then there was also Big Angry Businessman. He was in front of Chinese Exchange Girl. He was mean. Really mean. Not to me, or anyone in line, just to all the people working overtime to help us sorta almost get somewhere. Basically the story goes that he was told his plane was delayed, and decided that he and his wife would grab a few beers in a nearby restaurant. Low and behold, the airport doesn’t have speakers announcing when flights leave in the bars, so he missed his plane. Instead of taking personal responsibility for what turned out to be a bad choice on his part, he decided to very rudely and loudly blame everyone he could contact on his cell phone. He thought that because he was a big mileage special person he knew how to do the jobs of the people he was bitching at better than they did. It really, really, really pissed me off the way he was talking to them.
The best people were Sarah and Eric, a newlywed couple on their way back from their honeymoon, Oregon natives. They were both students; I think Eric was working on his Master’s in Engineering and then working towards a PhD at OSU. The two of them were both RAs in college, too. They were behind me in line, and kept me thoroughly entertained during the line waiting, telling stories of their honeymoon at a resort I can’t remember. In true Northwest spirit, they had spent it hiking and ropes coursing and whatnot. They also had an awesome imitation of a ticket agent (Sarah) and ‘anonymous angry customer’ (Eric), that had about half the people around us laughing. They graciously asked if I would like to split a room with them, seeing if a double would be cheaper than two singles (Sarah: I know what it’s like for college students and cash!). I accepted, and we went and got McDonalds after getting our standby tickets for the next morning. They were really quite awesome people, and really helped me out a lot when it came to figuring out the hotel stuff, which I hadn’t ever done before.
We ended up staying our six hours at a Marriott, and that was pretty classy. They had bath and body works little shampoos, and really soft beds, and a really nice reception area. Too bad we didn’t get to enjoy it too much. It was good to sleep somewhere outside an airport terminal, and the next morning at 6 we took a shuttle to the airport.
Security was annoying. The TSA got back at me for all the rules I skimp on when I fly by ‘randomly’ selecting me (yeah, all the stand bys got randomly selected) for extra special security measures, because apparently I either fit the description of a terrorist or a PC example to keep them out of trouble with people who think they profile people. They went through all my stuff, gave me a lecture about putting all of my 3.4 ounce liquid containers in a clear reseal-able one liter bag so they can do a ‘visual check’, and put me through the magic spinning vortex of x-rayness.
Finally I got to my gate, about an hour before boarding. To make a long and boring story short, that flight got cancelled and I got to stand in Line of Death The Sequel, at which time I got on the phone with people and automated voices and discovered that my best option would probably be to shoot for Seattle ASAP then get to Portland from there. It was there that I parted ways with Sarah and Eric, who were going to look for a flight to Eugene. I set up a hotel with another automated voice, and a shuttle with a real person. The mountains were gorgeous outside the airport, when I was waiting for the shuttle. And despite the exhaust fumes, the air was soooo fresh and cold, I love it. So yay for Colorado. It’s a good place, if I wasn’t here alone.
The Double Tree hotel’s nice. I’m just glad to be somewhere where I’ve got a nice squishy bed, food sources, and entertainment. They’ve got Neutrogena French Milled Soap, my Starbucks (peppermint white mocha!), a bar/grill, and a really nice view of the city of Denver and the snowcapped mountains on the horizon. Plus a TV. :) I only have two qualms. They made me pay ten bucks a day for internet (who the HELL does that?), which also sort of shows how addicted I am to it. Secondly, the walls are thin.
So in the meantime, I’m going to go back to watching my TV and go visit the food place later, maybe take a nice bath. I’m going to thoroughly make the best of this, because there’s nothing else I can really do until I get home. I miss you guys so much: my family, my Camas gang and my Mounties. I’ll keep in touch through Facebook, texting and a phone call if you’re cool enough. ;-) Merry Christmas to all of you, have a great break and be sure to come back safe to wherever you come from.
Much Love,
aka Steinke
P.S Number 1: So thus ends my first night at the Double Tree. I spent a good chunk of it talking to people, which was really nice. :) But the best part? My dad got me a flight on Alaska Airlines from Denver through Seattle to Portland for Tuesday evening! And the best part? The Denver to Seattle leg is FIRST CLASS. Apparently it was a pretty good discount, and heck, it's a flight into PDX! The Seattle to P-town portion is just a little tiny rickety puddle jump plane (45 minutes, tops), so it's all economy seating there. :) Awwwwww yeeeeaaaahhh. The other good thing is that I ended up ordering room service for my dinner tonight at like 10:30pm (some really weird fennel chicken potato tomato sauce thingy that was a bit odd, even for my weird tastes). The person who brought it up was a nice young woman about my age, with dyed red hair. She asked me where I would like her to put the tray, to which I promptly took it from her and put it on the desk, and gave her a tip. It would have felt really awkward having her put the try down where I told her; I don't care if it's in her job description, she's my equal and thus above kissing my ass. *end rant* She asked if I was one of the people whose flight got canceled, and we chatted about how many rude and angry people there are from it in the hotel tonight. Then I said goodnight, and dug in while continuing to explore the wonders of the internet. After I get done typing this I'm going to go call United Airlines and cancel the Seattle flight I booked earlier today. I've got a whole day of slacking ahead of me tomorrow. :)
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Finals Blitz, Part 2
But I don't feel quite as crappy about it now as I did earlier. I'll just have to keep working at it. Yeah, that's the ticket. Sure. Why not.
In the meantime I've got a theology exam to study for, and mainly just a bunch of crap to read, but also finish cleaning my room and pack for home. I'm trying to see if I can manage with my duffel and maybe my backpack. Maybe just my duffle and purse. I don't know, we'll see. I'm trying to travel light, and I'll just need the minimum overnight bag to go with me. Getting stuck overnight in Vegas taught me to always bring the necessities in case you get stranded. But really, as long as I have my cell phone, debit card, ID and tickets I'm fine. Sure. lol.
I'm still fairly excited to go home. See everyone. Oh, yes, and I'll be hosting at least one night of festivities, everyone. Mom gave the go-ahead. Just clean up after yourselves, darlings. PLUS I get to help pick out the lovely hard alcohol when I get home. Heck. Yes. *happy dance* It's funny how cool my parents are with me and alcohol now. TOTAL one eighty from high school and before. College truly does do wonderful things for you.
IN the meantime, I say goodnight, my dears. I'm starting to think about my end of the semester Note. It's definitely going to be different than the ones I've done before. And yet, some things never change. For which I'm glad.
Tschus, meine Freunde.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Finals Blitz, part 1
I don't think I'll get an A on my philosophy test, but I seriously feel like I rocked it. I spent sooo much time cramming Aristotle into my tiny little head (or, at least, compared to the rest of the semester), and then definitely hit up Thomas before the test. Just because I was studying him, and then through some more up for Mary. You could call it prayer, it felt more like a cry to Heaven. :) And low and behold, if I was not graced with the knowledge that would help me get an A, at least I was given the feelings of triumph afterwards. What did I do to celebrate? Took a nice three hour nap. Oh yeah. Stress makes me sleepy. So now I have one more reason why life is good.
Now I want to go take a shower before I get something to eat from Patriot. But before that, I've got a few thoughts.
As of late my pysche has been in a bit of turmoil, to say the least. I'm not going to go into details (haven't been, throughout most of this), because I know I've actually got a following on this blog, no matter how small it may be. :) But rather, I'll just content myself to spouting off my feelings, without explanation for their existence.
Today I'm happy. Happy like, College Frosh Katelyn Happy. It's like a wonderful breath of fresh air, like that first deep breath stepping into that little portable hallway thing coming off an airplane. You're first step off an airplane, breathing in that good wet Portland International Airport air. That's the freshness of my feelings. Granted, not many of you can relate to that. Oh well. Go step outside, that's kinda similar.
I know I've got my hardest final tomorrow, and rounds duty tonight. AND a nice little party to go to, so yes, I'll be skipping Militia Immaculata tonight. But it's for a good cause, I promise. If I didn't have rounds I'd do both.
I need to clean my room. I've been saying it for weeks, but tonight I'll be going over vocab and grammar and thinking in greek while I clean, in between running around teh building. It'll be a late night, and an early morning, but as long as I really don't think about the fact that I need a good grade on this, like, more than I've needed a good grade on a lot of other things (it's funny, really, the difference of having a good grade being getting you that A and the needing a good grade to solidify your C. Scarier, really. Which is why I'm not thinking about it anymore after this sentence.) . But I think I'll do okay, as long as I study and get and keep myself in Greek mode.
And then all the while I need to go do ResLife paperwork. I'll get that done tomorrow, so I can scrap up any loose ends that may arise friday. Or at least that's the plan. ;-)
But for now, I'll go take my shower, hopefully not beating my arm all over marble this time. And I didn't even get a good bruise or ANYTHING! AND I almost blacked out from it, twice! Grr. Oh well. No more battle scars from wars with the Sheridan Bathroom for me.
Life is good. After finals and paperwork comes dinner and a movie with my staff, one more night here and then saying goodbye to the Mount for two glorious weeks and reaquainting myself with the nation's airports. I can't WAIT for break! :)
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Happy Gaudete Sunday
Always. Sunday Mass is always a good decision. And I'm officially 20 in Church years, because I was born on Gaudete Sunday. :)
I'm still in the woods from where I was in my last post. This time it's day, not night, though.
Somehow, when I fall to my worst, my knees hit the floor and I present myself to God. And soon afterwords I find myself praising him, even though my situation hasn't changed.
Even though I don't want to be what I am sometimes, it doesn't change the fact that this is who I am. I'm a Christian. A bad one, albeit, but a Christian.
It's through grace that I can get through this. I can't believe otherwise. Dr. Paneloux rises again.
And this is why "What Wondrous Love is This" is one of my favorite hymns ever.
What wondrous love is this, O my soul, O my soul?
What wondrous love is this, O my soul?
What wondrous love is this
That caused the Lord of bliss
To bear the dreadful curse for my soul, for my soul,
To bear the dreadful curse for my soul?
To God and to the Lamb I will sing, I will sing;
To God and to the Lamb I will sing;
To God and to the Lamb,
Who is the great I AM,
While millions join the theme, I will sing, I will sing,
While millions join the theme, I will sing.
And when from death I’m free, I’ll sing on, I’ll sing on;
And when from death I’m free, I’ll sing on.
And when from death I’m free
I’ll sing and joyful be,
And through eternity I’ll sing on, I’ll sing on,
And through eternity I’ll sing on.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
David's being far kinder than I deserve, and I AM grateful for that. That he understands why I didn't want to say anything yet.
Why the bloody hell am I not allowed? What makes me so 'special' that I'm not allowed?
A voice in my head keeps telling me that all of you are judging me. Writing me off. Cutting me off, and might glance backward while I run off the cliff. But before splatter myself on the ground I'll get to feel what it's like to fly. Because maybe this bird's a penguin, no matter how cute they are they just aren't gonna fly.
And another voice says you aren't. That you all still love me.
In case you didn't notice, ladies and gentlemen, this is one of those moments when I don't want to be what I am.
God, I don't want to deal with this.
And now I move from angry voice to tired and desperately trying to be apathetic, but failing voice.
Whatever. It's my life. If I decide to fuck with it in ways that you all don't agree with, nobody's forcing you to stick around and be my friend. I'm too much of an idiot. Go ahead, leave. Nothing ever lasts forever, anyway, so if you please, just go ahead and prove that to me one more damned time.
And of course you all know I don't really believe that.
Look, honestly, this is just hard to deal with, it's been hard to deal with from the beginning, I've been struggling with it since the beginning. I don't know how long it would last, but I have a chance to see if it could, and I want to take that chance. There's a good possibility that I'll end up getting hurt in the end, but since when have I not gotten hurt in the end? And I've always kept a friendship through it. I'm not asking for your agreement, or even your support. You can give me the silent treatment when things go downhill (which always happens), and say "I told you so" to your heart's content after it dies. Just still love me.
And on top of all of this, this conversation is happening during the one week a month I have the least control of my emotions. So keep that in mind, please. Thanks. Much appreciated.
Thoughts on Mortality
So all of these events of late have caused me to think about it. It's like Dr. Conway said - you better think about these issues now, because if you'll have to face them all eventually. I run the scenarios in my head, what would happen if my family died, one of my friends. To think that people go through this every day, people are dying and are being born right this very minute, alone and surrounded by loved ones...
And I've come up with at least one idea. I know that friendship, love, never dies. I refuse to believe that it does. It comes down to love, the most indestructible, infallible and intangible power in the universe. This is why I believe that God must be love. Pure love. I can worship and pledge my entire being to a being that's Love. It makes sense to me. A love so real that it has its own consciousness, it's own will, a will that is always to love, and to love fully. To live in accordance with that kind of love is the highest life a human can strive for. Always, always strive for that perfection, because love is most important. It's all that matters, in the end. It's the one thing I can always count on, the love of my family, friends, and that love is my God.
I keep thinking of the "This I Believe" thing NPR has. I believe in love.
And that music is an auditory manifestation of some aspect of the perfect love. Whether it be its absence, joy, happiness, passion, anger at its violation, whatever. It's all there.
I feel like this is some weird take on theology. I haven't thought it all through yet, though. I'll get back to you when I do.
But yes, live for love. Suck the marrow out of life, while you're at it. Because this is the one shot we've got, and I'm a quarter dead. I only get to live this long three more times before I find out if I'm right, or if it even matters.
I don't have much more to say just yet. I'll get back to you when I do.
Happy Birthday to Me.
Best gifts? In no particular order, Isabel's cake she made me, penguin pajamas, Friendly's, my girls coming together to really get into the door decorating, and a card. I'm shifting from really loving the intangibles much more than the material things. Yay for maturing.
Anywho, I've got another post to ponder. But I thought I'd do this birthday one separately.
Overall, a good day. That's all I wanted.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Updates, updates
Time's flying this year, and then at the same time it's taking For Ev Er for tomorrow, for the weekend, for break to come. I can't wait to get home for Christmas. It'll be soooo weird. I almost feel like I'm out of practice for flying. Almost. But in the meantime I've got other delightful things to look forward to and to help me get through all the work I have to do.
I'm applying to be an Area Coordinator. I don't think I'll get the job, but I may as well give it a shot. Lord knows mom and dad will appreciate the extra benefits. And it might mean that I don't necessarily need to make as much money during the summer. Plus I think I'd do a good job. So we'll see what happens. I already have a new plan of attack for the beginning of next school year. I have a pretty good idea of what I'm going to do differently, and what I'm going to do the same.
I'm going to the Tridentine Mass today, at 4:15. Then from there I"m going to my last Youth Ministry class. Praise God!!! I'm so sick of that. The only reason why I took it this semester was so that I could have another part of the requirements to get the youth ministry concentration. So I have something practical to do with a theology degree. *shrug* Whatevs. I'll never have to sit in Tony's class again, and that's really enough reason to celebrate.
I'm turning 20 on Thursday. It's scary as all hell, lol. I won't be a teenager anymore, it's like I've got no excuse to be irresponsible. Entry into young adulthood. One year closer to kicking the bucket. The one thing I really don't like about it is that my birthday falls during finals week or dead week, one of the two. That makes it harder to celebrate, with all the work everyone is doing. But hey, I don't want much. Go out to Friendly's for icecream with the girls, enjoy the gift my parents sent me ( might be here today. :D) Just be with my friends and have a good day. What do I want, though? Psh, I just told you. Although I definitely appreciate gifts, I also understand that we're all college students here, and that frankly I don't often 'gift' other people for their birthdays. Kayla doesn't count. All I really want is to have a good day. Anything else is just icing on the cake.
I miss people. A few different people. I really can't wait to see all of you again. and I'm fairly certain you all know who you are.
I had my fall band concert last night. It's wasn't incredibly awesome, but it was sooooo much fun. I live for that stuff. IT was....EPIC. :-D AND I played it all on a new reed too! AND my chops didn't die until halfway through Water Music, and even then I was able to hold on through the rest of the piece. And O Magnum Mysterium is officially one of my favorite songs ever. Man oh man, I love that stuff. More of you will have to come to our spring concert. Sadly, we only do one per semester. Oh well.
Oh, and apparently I'm both librarian AND manager for pep band. Cool. I have an awesome title. I guess that means I'm more obligated to make it work. But on the other hand, I can stick it in my signature. :)
Anyway, haha, I need to get going. Maybe I'll get a nap in....probably not.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Checking it twice
So I slept through Greek again. My subconscious must be working against my passing this course. Oh well, try again tomorrow.
I've got a MOUNTAIN of things to do ahead of me before the semester is over. But for now I'm focusing on the mountain in front of me this week. Luke exegesis paper due tomorrow, Aristotle for Friday. I'm not sure when my Aquinas reflection paper is due, but I should wrap that up by Friday as well. Probably another test on Thursday for Greek. Paperwork for ResLife, plus resolve another room mate issue asap. Make out my Christmas list to give to my mom before Friday. Rounds from 11-1 Friday night, skip the Christmas Dance. Have tea and cookies. One on One meeting with Katherine, Thursday I think. Clean my room, finish (start?) laundry. Then have a bit of fun on Saturday. Sunday is the Seminary Open house starting at 2, but my call for my band concert that day is 2:30 so I won't get to go to that. Which I'm royally peeved about. Oh well. Band concert at 3:30 (tuning for an HOUR? Really? Bah, T's crazy) until 5, probably. Then dinner, then Rounds that night. Note to self - 12pm Grotto Mass this Sunday.
Then we embark on dead week. Sorta.
I should make a list.
Wow, that was a long list.
I'll philosophize later, I promise. Right now I have to actually get things done, lol.