Thursday, December 18, 2008

Finals Blitz, Part 2

Greek today. Uggghhh.... I think for the first time I've wanted desperately to get drunk right after the exam. Or, at least, if I've felt that way before, I didn't have the access to the alcohol. But low and behold, I was a good little kid, and despite being royally screwed by Sollenberger's exam, I ended up having a lunch of icecream, chocolate, middle class tea, and 1940s women's magazine articles with Siobhan. Scandelous, those articles are. ;-) Plus good conversation, of course, up in the fourth mac sky. I absolutely love the view outside Sio's window. Perfect view of the bell tower and echo field. Almost makes the climb worth it. Almost. :)

But I don't feel quite as crappy about it now as I did earlier. I'll just have to keep working at it. Yeah, that's the ticket. Sure. Why not.

In the meantime I've got a theology exam to study for, and mainly just a bunch of crap to read, but also finish cleaning my room and pack for home. I'm trying to see if I can manage with my duffel and maybe my backpack. Maybe just my duffle and purse. I don't know, we'll see. I'm trying to travel light, and I'll just need the minimum overnight bag to go with me. Getting stuck overnight in Vegas taught me to always bring the necessities in case you get stranded. But really, as long as I have my cell phone, debit card, ID and tickets I'm fine. Sure. lol.

I'm still fairly excited to go home. See everyone. Oh, yes, and I'll be hosting at least one night of festivities, everyone. Mom gave the go-ahead. Just clean up after yourselves, darlings. PLUS I get to help pick out the lovely hard alcohol when I get home. Heck. Yes. *happy dance* It's funny how cool my parents are with me and alcohol now. TOTAL one eighty from high school and before. College truly does do wonderful things for you.

IN the meantime, I say goodnight, my dears. I'm starting to think about my end of the semester Note. It's definitely going to be different than the ones I've done before. And yet, some things never change. For which I'm glad.

Tschus, meine Freunde.

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