Thursday, October 9, 2008

Before my Greek class

A quick word.

First Why Catholic? meeting yesterday. We discussed the Beatitudes. I need more grace to do this right. But it's sooo exciting. :) More on that later. Maybe.

The Young German Symphony Orchestra is playing at my school tonight. And the Marian Symposium starts. The Symposium is a collection of speakers talking about different ways Mary relates to the Church and whatnot. Just different talks about Mary from SUPER SMART people. Like, nationally and worldly renowned speakers. Oh, and I get to welcome the Orchestra when they arrive and help them set up. *dusts off Deutsch* :)

I get to babysit my band director's kitty and apartment sit for her next week. It should be fun, an apartment and kitty to myself. :) A nice break from things. And Benitez said he might be able to visit me towards the end of it. It's probably a good thing I'm apartment sitting. I think i'm finally coming down with whatever sickness is going through Sheridan. I woke up this morning, and my sinuses didn't. :P Curse my family and their sinus problems!

But I shall write more later. I'm thinky, to use Jed's word, and want to write more later.

Tschus, my dears.

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