Tuesday, December 18, 2007

So yeah.

It's Christmas break.

Da List:

Kayla - something uber cool

Siobhan - a slutty bra

Erica - something geeky or House-y

Car - something cool, geeky, fantasy-y


Jen, Jon, Derek, Nick, Jackie, Seth, Kevin:

Playdough, ...


I need to hit up the vanMall still. :D

In the meantime, I get to plan some hang out for tonight at my house because we 'never' do anything at my house. so what if it's true...:P

Oh, I also am starting another blog, called "To the Mount!" chronicling the escapades of my HL posse. Just because we have so much friggin drama, it would make such good novel material, and i can't bear to let it go unwritten. So I'm keeping the master in a word document, then changing the names before I put it online. I'll market it as fiction, but it'll be almost entirely fact. Woot! Good times. i haven't decided whether I'll be another character or write from the first person. I'm excited.

So I'm going to go read parts of the Kite Runner now. Yay honors discussion dinners.

Oh, I think my gpa's a 3.4706. Yay me. Not bad for having no idea what my grades were in any of my classes. Now THAT's scary.

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