Sunday, August 3, 2008


I'm starting to feel the pull coming from the east. While one side grows more exciting, the other more agonizing.

And right now is a more agonizing moment. And i can't resist writing a blog entry.

Well, I did say that I could handle it. And I will, I know I will. And the pain reminds me that I'm alive. And yet, it's not completely horrible. It's like there some sort of peace to it. Maybe stemming from the idea that I can't refute the reasons stacked in the negatory. Because through all the melancholy I can be a cockeyed optimist. Or more like Fry, "You just have to keep hoping and cover your ears and say BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH". I'm still happy. All this hurts, but I'm still happy.

There are things I want to say, but I haven't figured out how to say them right or even if I should say them at all. I might not need to say them, if I can figure out if they're already out there.

We'll see what happens, on all fronts.

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