Monday, August 18, 2008

Public Service Announcement, among other things

For what it's worth, I'll be pulling the link to this blog from my facebook in a few days. I decided that I can't afford to have anything potentially incriminating viewable by my superiors, residents or staff. I can hear the scoffing already. But seriously, with this job, there's a chance I might say something here I don't want everyone to see, and I need an outlet other than Linda Donovan (school councilor) and some of my friends will prolly get sick of hearing about my RA drama.

I've also officially given up alcohol and boy-related activity for the year, with a few limited exceptions to the latter and none for the former. Why officially? i've told some of my people here, like Siobhan and Elisabeth, and they, along with Kayla, will help keep me accountable. Whoo! I think it goes with the whole new role model, fish bowl thing.

I talked to kayla for ten minutes on the phone, and david for ten minutes on aim. That made me happy. I miss them both so much.

If you're into prayer requests, please add me to your lists. I'm going to need a lot of patience, strength, compassion and to not be judging. It's going to be a hard job, just with the drama and gossip alone. I mean, just today I heard a story about one RA and a young public safety officer, then found out that the girl who let some of the basketball players run a train on her and the one who was on crutches because of where she did the nasty were one and the same. I can't help but feel for the two of them. I have to work to look at them in the same light. I feel bad because of it, because I thought that i was getting good at keeping sins and the sinner separate. But I've got a long way to go. And this job is going to try and test me. So please, keep praying for me. I'll return the favor, and probably already am.

I think I might lay down for a bit, and read a good book or something. I need a break from Reslife. It's taken over my whole life, save for like an hour on Sunday for mass.

1 comment:

V said...

I understand the need to keep things seperated, hence my blog.

And thanks for the return stalking, it is good to know that someone is hearing what I have to say.