Sunday, August 24, 2008

Move in Day prep

BCDs went well. I got to bust Benitez, Cliff, Q and Taylor in a 'loud party'. Definitely the best practical training they can give you. FUn stuff. And they were totally easy on us this year. No screaming in people's faces.

Today is frosh move in day. And so everything begins, for real now. Upper classmen come Tuesday. Classes start Wednesday, and my first rounds are then too. I've also got Saturday and Sunday of family weekend. Good thing my family's not coming. :P But apparently parents will soemtimes bring alcohol for their kids. So we'll see what happens.

After a few walks and talks with Benitez, I've discovered that I think too much and am boy crazy. Althought it seems like a paradox, trying to tackle the two together. So we'll just take one day at a time and try to figure out what I want to do with my life.

Ehh...this is all a bit overwhelming. Everything. Coming from all sides.

One more thing. When I look at it one way, this campus feels like it belongs to us, the RAs, a bit more than some of the other students. We're the first ones back and the last ones to leave. We're the ones that enforce the policy here, and do the most to actively and thoughtfully build community. I feel like I'm coming back from a camp to what my East Life really is. But it's all changed and different. THings are never, ever the same.

But hey, I've gotta go shower and eat. I swear, I'll either learn time management or die trying.

And for the record, I want a mass in the IC here, and one at St. Thomas. Ave Verum Corpus is the communion hymn.

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